Spring Chimney Sweeping

Spring is just round the corner and there is no better time to think about having your chimney swept. No doubt you will have been using your fire constantly throughout the winter months but slowly will be using them less as the weather improves. Here at Oakbrook Chimney Services we only have registered, qualified and experienced chimney sweeps so we can provide the best possible service to you. We will always provide you with a Chimney Sweeping Certificate to ensure that your insurance policies remain valid.


Another thing to consider at this time of year is that birds will be starting to nest and your chimney can provide the perfect place so if you don’t already have a cowl now is a good time to think about the benefits of having one. We can provide and fit a variety of chimney cowls to suit your fire and can certainly advise you on what would be the most effective for your chimney. Chimney cowls are very cost effective in the long run.

Please contact Oakbrook Chimney Services 0800 7797030 where we will be happy to assist and advise on any queries you may have.

Many thanks

Oakbrook Chimney Services LTD

Marie Evans

Marie is a Squarespace Web Designer and SEO expert based in the UK. I work as a freelance designer and also for SEOSpace helping manage their agency services as well as marketing the plugin.


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